Category Archives: Healthcare General

What Leadership Gaps Are You Taking Into 2025?

Every leader has areas for improvement—what we call “leadership gaps.” The secret to becoming a stronger, more effective leader lies in identifying these gaps and either bridging them or finding ways to work around them. Left unaddressed, even small gaps can expand, impacting a leader’s overall effectiveness.

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Managing Situational Influences for Maximum Leadership Effectiveness

Situational awareness and adaptability are the keys to effective leadership. It involves recognizing and adapting to the various influences present in any leadership encounter. Situational awareness or instinct is not something most leaders are born with but is something that evolves over time as the Leader increases in experience.

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Leadership Impact Assessment Results – Vice Presidents

Category : Healthcare General

Recently, we began releasing analysis from our Leadership Impact Assessment results. In the last newsletter, we analyzed results for the C-Level executives in the data. It’s important to measure the outcomes from leadership training, but most organizations don’t incorporate it for one reason or another. Without any way of measurement, the individual and/or organization can’t empirically know what needs to be improved.

“Without data you’re just another person with an opinion.”

– W. Edwards Deming, Data Scientist
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Leadership Impact Assessment Results – C-Level Executives

Category : Healthcare General

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been discussing the importance of measuring outcomes from leadership development programs. Most organizations don’t do it for one reason or another. Without any way of measurement, the individual and/or organization can’t empirically know what needs to be improved.

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Leadership Development Programs Need to Be More Accountable

Category : Healthcare General

Many believe that leadership growth is not something that can be quantifiably measured . Leadership experts regularly expound on how well their leadership development training works without any proof to substantiate their claims. When asked about how they know it works, the answers typically fall into 2 categories, “We can tell” or the dreaded, “We believe it worked.” Neither of these are acceptable to an organization or an individual that has spent their time and money for the training. With the right tool, a well-designed leadership development training program can easily be quantifiably measured.

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
– Peter Drucker

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Featured Elite Level Leader – Chris Van Gorder

No matter which approach you take to leadership, it’s important to be authentic to who you are.
– Chris Van Gorder
President & CEO of Scripps Health
From the book, “The Path to Elite Level Leadership.“

For more insights from Chris Van Gorder, and other leaders, order your signed copy or order your unsigned or Kindle versions on Amazon at:

Learn the program. Be accountable. Improve your leadership!

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Featured Elite Leader – Bridgette Heller

“Good leaders serve the people as much as the business. They remove barriers and enable organizational growth and success. They inspire the organization to achieve an ambition they did not know or believe possible.”
– Bridgette Heller
Former President of Danone

From the book, “The Path to Elite Level Leadership.“

For more insights from Bridgette Heller and other leaders, order your signed copy here. Order unsigned or Kindle versions on Amazon.

Learn the program. Be accountable. Improve your leadership!

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The Path to Elite Level Leadership is Now Live on Amazon

Learn the program that was developed based on the way elite athletes and Olympics athletes remain at the top of their game. This is the same approach taken by musicians, vocalists, artists, chefs and many other professions.

Elite performers are the ones who win championships, Olympic medals, most valuable player award, all-star recognition, as well as, Emmy, Grammy, Oscars, Tonys, best selling, best of show, Michelin awards, etc.

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Featured Elite Level Leader – Brent Jackson

Category : Healthcare General

“Leaders should not try to fill someone else’s shoes but wear their own shoes and grow into them.”
– Brent C Jackson, Chief Medical Officer of Mercy General Hospital, a Dignity Health Hospital

From the book, “The Path to Elite Level Leadership.“ For more insights from Brent Jackson and other leaders, order your copy today.

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Featured Elite Level Leader – John Couris

“It is more important for leaders to admit that you don’t know something and then commit to learning, rather than telling people what they want to hear.”
– John Couris, President and CEO of Tampa General Hospital

From the book, “The Path to Elite Level Leadership.”

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