Building Results-Oriented Leadership Development Programs

Building Results-Oriented Leadership Development Programs

The retail pioneer, John Wanamaker, once stated, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half”. The chain of department stores he started eventually became part of Macy’s. Even in today’s digital advertising age, that statement is still true, with more than half being wasted according to some experts. The same is very true of leadership development programs.

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What Leadership Gaps Are You Bringing Into 2024?

Everyone has leadership gaps. The key to being or becoming a successful leader is to identify those gaps and either repair or compensate for them. These gaps can be small and repaired with some ‘caulk’ or huge needing ‘pothole repair compound’. If left unattended, a small gap can grow into a huge one for the leader. Do you know which one(s) you have?

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3 Steps to Take Now to Fortify Your DEI Program With Data

In the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling outlawing affirmative action in college admissions, other organizations need to realize that the same type of ruling could come their way. Therefore, they need to take steps now to incorporate quantitative means to document their promotion and selection choices.

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Utilizing an Evidence-Based DEI Strategy

Category : Leadership

The most frequent arguments against DEI initiatives are focused around competence and merit. On competence, they argue that a less competent person is receiving an opportunity because they are from a historically disenfranchised group. In actuality, less competent people have been receiving opportunities because they were from the majority population and/or had a relationship that provided them an unfair advantage for decades.

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Identifying and Filling the Gaps in Your Leadership Practice

After having lived in the Midwest most of my life, I have come to recognize spring as pothole repair season. It usually takes place from December to April as municipalities repair potholes caused by the snow, rain and ice from winter storms. Already in 2023, the city of Chicago has repaired 215,000 potholes. If not repaired, potholes can damage a car’s tires, alignment and undercarriage, as well as posing a problem for bicyclists.

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Hunting for Toxic Leaders in Your Organization

Radar is used in several aspects of our everyday lives. It works by using electromagnetic sensors to detect, locate, track and recognize objects from a distance. Some common uses include:

  • Tracking weather patterns and storms by the weather service
  • Tracking and monitoring airplanes by traffic control
  • Tracking spacecrafts and other objects by NASA
  • Tracking friendly and enemy forces by the military
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Strategies to Retain Your Best Leaders in 2023

Organizations lose good people every year. In this current era of workforce disruptions, the losses can be even worse. The challenge for organizations is to minimize the loss of their best leaders. This has implications not just for the current year but could reverberate for years to come from an interruption of your leadership pipeline. There are two strategies organizations should deploy immediately to minimize the loss of their best leaders in 2023 and beyond, including:

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Is Your Leadership Program Missing the Target?

It is if it doesn’t include a Leadership Resources Management Solution (LRMS). An LRMS is a data-driven approach to managing an organization’s leadership resources. It replaces subjective interviews, relationship-based promotions and selections with a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased leadership management tool.

The impact of using LeadershipRMS in your organization is significant, including:

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Which Direction Is Your Leadership Program Going?

Is it identifying and growing better leaders? Does it support management of all your leadership resources?

These questions can be answered with a leadership resources management solution or LRMS. An LRMS is a data-driven approach to managing an organization’s leadership resources. It replaces subjective interviews, relationship-based promotions and selections with a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased leadership management tool.

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Is Your Leadership Program Missing a Piece?

Category : Leadership

It is if it doesn’t include a leadership resources management solution to help your organization identify and segment their leadership resources using a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased assessment tool. It can be the difference between keeping and losing your best leaders, the difference between identifying and missing high potential hires, and the difference between promoting people based on leadership potential or based on prior functional success or relationships. Use all the pieces for a complete leadership program and learn more on our partner site at: