Featured Elite Level Leader – Brent Jackson
Category : Healthcare General
“Leaders should not try to fill someone else’s shoes but wear their own shoes and grow into them.”
– Brent C Jackson, Chief Medical Officer of Mercy General Hospital, a Dignity Health Hospital
From the book, “The Path to Elite Level Leadership.“ For more insights from Brent Jackson and other leaders, order your copy today.
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I started following Brent online when he was posting samples of the weekly newsletter he prepared for the physicians at his hospital. A lot of today’s leaders forget about this old school, but very effective way of communication. Later he started posting his music videos. I highly recommend listening to his music as Brent is a very accomplished musician. From his music choices, you can tell he was a rock ‘n roller back in the day. What began as a personal reflective time for Brent, became something he shared with the LinkedIn community weekly. For him, it’s his time for relaxation and an opportunity to clear his head. Leaders need to find time away from their work to rest both physically and mentally. It makes for better leaders in the long run.
I’m happy to include Brent’s thoughts on communication and reflection in the book.