Category Archives: Healthcare Transformation

5 thoughts on the future of healthcare from Cleveland Clinic CEO Dr. Toby Cosgrove

When Delos “Toby” Cosgrove, MD, president and CEO of Cleveland Clinic, was a high school junior, his father took him to visit a family friend who was a college professor.

“Naturally, the conversation turned into, ‘What do we need to do to get Toby into college,'” Dr. Cosgrove told the audience during a keynote at Becker’s Hospital Review’s 8th Annual Meeting in Chicago. Rhoda Weiss, PhD, speaker, author, consultant and co-chair of the meeting, moderated the conversation. The professor said he was not interested in Dr. Cosgrove’s IQ, but rather his GQ —  a term that neither Dr. Cosgrove nor his father had heard before.

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Prescribing Leadership: How Can Leaders Better Prepare for The Dynamic World of Healthcare?

When most people think about the challenges of implementing healthcare analytics, they wrongly expect it to be the data, talent or technology.

In a recent study, leadership was actually identified by participants as the top challenge. Unfortunately, the skills that made healthcare leaders successful in the past may not be enough to be successful in the future.

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4 Questions With Rush CIO Dr. Shafiq Rab

Dr. Shafiq Rab, CIO of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, uses his background in public health to inform his IT vision.

Dr. Rab, who completed his medical degree and internal medicine residency at Karachi, Pakistan-based Dow Medical College, had his interest in public health piqued during one of his first physician jobs. While treating an urban squatters settlement in Pakistan, he worked with non-governmental organizations to address the infant mortality rate, mainly by bringing clean drinking water to its residents.

Read more at Becker’s Health IT & CIO Review

5 Must-Haves for Effective Analytics in Clinical Decision-Making

In healthcare, data is king. Clinicians rely on data to make informed decisions at the point-of-care and ultimately propel patients’ health forward. However, the wealth of unstructured data captured by IT systems in hospitals may prove fruitless if physicians can’t use it to inform care decisions in real time. Analytics must be straightforward, easily digestible and accessible to help physicians personalize and improve patient care planning.

Read More at Becker’s Health IT & CIO Review


Who Bears the Cost of the Uninsured? Nonprofit Hospitals.

But in new research the authors find that when the population of uninsured Americans increases, hospitals end up bearing the cost by providing uncompensated care. In fact, their results suggest that each additional uninsured person costs local hospitals $900 per year.


2016 State of Population Health Analytics Report

Executive Summary

Since 2014, the Healthcare Center of Excellence (HCOE) has been tracking the healthcare industry’s progress towards population health analytics using their proprietary Healthcare Transformation Change Model. This model was developed in 2013 to help healthcare organizations understand the requirements to become an analytics focused healthcare organization. The concepts were based on a customer relationship marketing (CRM) implementation model, previously co-developed by Professor Bennett. The CRM model was considered by Gartner to be one of the top three CRM implementation visions at the time and has become the basis for most successful CRM implementations today.

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2016 State of Population Health Analytics – Webinar Reminder

There is only one day before the webinar on the 2016 State of Population Health Analytics study on Wednesday, December 7th. Spaces are filling up. Please register using one of the links below.

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The State of Population Health Analytics – 2016 Study Results & Webinar

Since 2014, the Healthcare Center of Excellence (HCOE) has been tracking the healthcare industry’s progress towards population health analytics using their proprietary Healthcare Transformation Change Model. This model was developed in 2013 to help healthcare organizations understand the requirements to become a data-enabled healthcare organization. The concepts were based on a Gartner recognized CRM implementation model Professor Bennett previously co-developed. This model was considered one of the top three CRM implementation visions at the time and has become the basis for most successful CRM implementations today . Based on the model, the HCOE determined that in 2014, the industry was just past the “EHR Implementation” stage. In 2015, the dial moved a bit further as many organizations began achieving success with integrating data sources.

How is the healthcare industry progressing towards the implementation of population health analytics?

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2016 State of Population Health Analytics Survey – Becker’s Healthcare Interview

Since 2014, the Healthcare Center of Excellence (HCOE) has been tracking the healthcare industry’s progress towards population health analytics using their proprietary Healthcare Transformation Change Model. This model was developed in 2013 to help healthcare organizations understand the requirements to become a data-enabled healthcare organization. Each year, HCOE has published their “State of Population Health Analytics“.

The 2016 survey has been completed and Professor Bennett was interviewed by Becker’s Healthcare Review for the article “4 Tips for Hospitals Implementing Population Health Analytics“.

The Secret Top Executives Know About Healthcare Analytics

Executive Summary

When most people think about the challenges of implementing healthcare analytics, they wrongly expect it to be the data, talent or technology.  Executives that have been successful implementing healthcare analytics know the top challenge is leadership.  In a study performed recently, leadership was identified as the top challenge by participants.  In fact, it wasn’t even close. Leadership was identified as a challenge by 29% of the respondents versus 18% for data and 14% for talent.  

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