Category Archives: Leadership

Tales From the Leadership Front – 1/21/20

Category : Leadership

At the end of each chapter in my book Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare, I tell a personal “Tales from the Leadership Front” story to summarize the chapter content with insights from the leaders I’ve met.

In my travels I get to meet some great leaders and am thrilled when we discuss their leadership journey. I especially enjoy hearing their leadership origin story or what in their life made them into the leader they are today. A leader must be aware of their origin story to understand who they are as a leader and why they are leading. As Simon Sinek says, ‘knowing the why’ is critical to their success.

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Dr. Martin Luther King Was Also a Great Storyteller

Category : Leadership Training

We all recognize Dr. Martin Luther King as a great leader and a great orator, but did you know he was also a master storyteller?

In my university leadership classes, we regularly study Dr. King as a leader and I have listened to his speeches countless times. As I was working on the new Leadership Storytelling Master Class for our Professional Leadership Academy, I began reflecting on Dr. King’s accomplishments and his speeches. His accomplishments came to mind because I probably wouldn’t be doing the work I do without the strides he helped make. His speeches were great, but I wondered how they worked as stories. I was quite impressed with what I learned. For this exercise, I examined his March on Washington speech from 1963 (commonly referred to as the “I Have a Dream” speech). Here are some of the storytelling techniques he used and the lessons for leaders to use in their storytelling:

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Recapping 2019 Achievements; Preparing for 2020 Goals

This has been a great year for us at the Healthcare Center of Excellence. Our distinctive approach to leadership development has enabled us to continue reaching people with our personalized, adaptable and measurable Professional Leadership Program. Here is a recap of some of our 2019 achievements, including:

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Resolve to Make Your Leadership Dynamic in 2020

Leadership is a journey that is constantly changing. It’s not a static discipline, but dynamic. New research and information is available regularly. Realizing this fact is the key to becoming a better leader. Leadership growth takes a lifetime commitment. A leader must constantly be considering how they lead and how they can be a better leader. Here are some suggested resolutions for you to improve your leadership in 2020:

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Use 2020 Foresight for Your Leadership Improvement in 2020

Don’t wait until this time next year to realize what you should have done to improve your leadership in 2020. At the end of each year, we tend to reflect on the goals we haven’t met or the achievements we didn’t make. Instead of having 2020 hindsight, use 2020 foresight and plan what steps you will take to improve your leadership in 2020.

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What Professional Leaders Do – Part 6: Continuous Improvement (video)

This is the last in the series of six videos on the various aspects of professional leadership. In this video, we will discuss the importance of Continuous Improvement in one’s leadership journey.

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How We Measure & Monitor Leadership

Category : Leadership Training

Many believe that leadership improvement is not something that can be measured quantifiably. We have all listened to presentations by leadership experts that expound on how well their leadership training works without any proof to substantiate their claims. When asked about how they know it works, the answers typically fall into 2 categories, “We can tell” or the dreaded, “We believe it worked.” Neither of these are acceptable to an organization or an individual that has spent their time and money for the training. With the right tool, a well-designed leadership training program can easily be quantifiably measured.

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Welcome to Cyber Week!

Category : Leadership Training

At our training site, the Professional Leadership Academy, we want you to be part of our week long Cyber Week celebration. To help you get a jump start on improving your leadership for 2020, we have a very special offer for you. 

Enroll in either of our online leadership programs for 60% off until December 8, 2019. Just use the coupon code ‘cyberweek‘ at checkout.

The self-study courses are open now and you can start at anytime within 60 days of enrollment. The next guided-study cohort begins January 6, 2020. These courses also make the perfect gift for family, friends and colleagues.

If you are still on the fence about our proven, comprehensive leadership program with measurable results, try it out with some free lessons in our COURSE PREVIEW and see how well it works for you.

Five Truths About Leadership

Category : Leadership Training

As we close out this decade, let’s take a cold hard look at leadership. It is probably one of the most misunderstood and misappropriated fields of study around. To help you better understand what is real from what is fluff, I have created 5 truths about leadership based on my extensive leadership experience, leadership research, interviews with executives and teaching in a top-20 university Organizational Leadership program.

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What Professional Leaders Do – Part 5: Leadership Coaching & Mentoring (video)

Category : Leadership Video Blogs

This is the fifth in the series of six videos on the various aspects of professional leadership. In this video, we will discuss the role coaching and mentoring takes in one’s leadership journey.

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