Resolve to Better Manage Your Leadership Resources in 2025
Category : Leadership
Let 2025 be the year your organization actively engages in managing their most valuable resource – leadership. Organizations currently try to accomplish this through a variety of means, but most have a high potential for bias or overemphasis on outcomes versus leadership. Maybe it’s time to consider a different strategy that minimizes bias and focuses on leadership behaviors.
We call this strategy leadership resources management (LeadershipRM™) and its implementation can be critical to an organization’s continued growth and success. It can be the difference between keeping or losing your best leaders, the difference between identifying or missing high potential hires, the difference between eliminating or maintaining a toxic work environment, and the difference between promoting people based on leadership potential or based on prior functional success. Each of these could have dire consequences for an organization.
It utilizes many of the same philosophies as customer relationship management (CRM), which I was a recognized thought leader during the 1990s, namely:
The impact of using LeadershipRM™ in your organization can be substantial, including:
- Identifying gaps in an individual’s practice of leadership compared to a population average, to others at their organization level or a perception gap between how the leader views their leadership versus how their team perceives them;
- Quantifiably identifying an organization’s best leaders with accompanying strategies for better retention and utilization;
- Removing or minimizing bias in leadership selection, promotion and hiring processes such that the right leader with the right qualities is given the right opportunity at the right time;
- Better management of the human resources pipeline of prospective leaders;
- Providing supportive objective data enabling difficult conversations with toxic or difficult leaders;
- Improving diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives by providing a quantifiable means to providing equal access while documenting nondiscriminatory selection practices.
With the very tight labor market, it is extremely important that organizations identify and do everything they can to keep their best leaders. They will stay if they feel valued and are offered opportunities to effectively utilize their vast leadership abilities. In the next edition, we will cover implementation and how to actively manage your leadership resources based on the results.
For more information on how we help organizations implement an actionable leadership resources management strategy, please visit us at