3rd Principle of Professional Leadership
Category : Leadership
The 3rd Principle of Professional Leadership is “A thorough understanding of the situational influences that impact leading their followers and the environment in which they lead.”
Leaders need to closely watch for changes in their situational influences. These could be from primary influences such as their followers or the environment or secondary influences from peers or superiors. Changes in any of these influences requires an immediate response in the manner in which the leader executes their leadership.
The current healthcare crisis provides a great example of adjusting to situational influence changes. Healthcare leaders had to make significant changes in their business model to help the country through the pandemic. This meant erecting temporary structures, loss of higher margin services or having staff provides services outside of their regular specialty. Without their vision and adaptation, we could have been in a different situation.
Pictured are some of the many healthcare leaders I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and/or interviewing for my books. Thanks to all the healthcare workers for their service.
Nominate an exceptional leader today for the 2020 Professional Leadership IMPACT Award. Nominations are open until 6/30/20 at proleadershipacademy.com/impactaward.
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