Prescribing Leadership In Healthcare Workshop
The rate of change in healthcare is staggering. Now, more than ever, we need leaders who are well-versed in all aspects of leadership. Unfortunately, the skills that made healthcare leaders successful in the past may not be enough to be successful in the future. Managing change requires a very special set of skills. Project management, lean six sigma and other change processes all identify leadership as a key critical success factor. In fact, a recent study by the Healthcare Center for Excellence revealed that lack of leadership was the greatest challenge to implementing healthcare analytics. More alarming was the fact that those in leadership positions did not recognize their role in the change management process. This doesn’t have to be. Leadership is a process that can be learned, not a position.
Most other leadership training addresses leadership solely as skills-based and is missing key steps in the process a leader must incorporate to create “professional” leaders. This interactive workshop includes workbooks, individual and group exercises, videos and role playing. It will explain why leadership is a process that must be prescribed like a maintenance drug and practiced every day using the same approach taken by professional athletes worldwide for decades.
Participants will leave the workshop with a complete leadership plan using our proprietary 5-step leadership development approach.
Learning Objectives
- How to apply the situational model of leadership to healthcare.
- Why leadership cannot be developed by solely attending “leadership” workshops.
- The proprietary 5-step approach to professional leadership development.
- How to develop a leadership vision and implement that vision to direct and inspire followers.
- The steps any leader or potential leader can take today to improve their leadership tomorrow.

Participants Will Receive
- Workbook binder divided by the 5-steps with the workshop materials and additional exercises.
- A journal to begin recording their reflections.
Workshop Facilitators
- Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University
- Executive Director, Healthcare Center of Excellence
- Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University
- President, Leadership Story Lab

All professionals in leadership or supervisory positions at a healthcare system. Can be tailored by management level, i.e., managers, directors, vice president or senior level executives, or type of audience, i.e., physicians, administrators, etc.
Session Length – 4 hours
Workshop Testimonials
Workshop Videos & Pictures
Visit our Leadership Center of Excellence
to learn more about leadership development.
Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare, 4-hour workshop. With follow up coaching/mentoring.
- Includes 6 additional follow up coaching/mentoring sessions in person, by phone or Skype scheduled monthly for the first 3 months after the workshop then three quarterly sessions.
- Pricing is based on the number of participants and other factors. Please contact us for a proposal.
Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare, 4-hour workshop. Without follow up coaching/mentoring.
- Pricing is based on the number of participants and other factors. Please contact us for a proposal.

Additional Coaching / Mentoring sessions after the workshops. Select the number of desired sessions in the shopping cart.