Competing on Healthcare Analytics Book Reviews


Competing on Healthcare Analytics was received numerous positive reviews. Here are some of the reviews from Amazon:

An excellent high-level read on healthcare and the roadmap for analytics., April 28, 2016
By Alex Chan  stars-5-0._CB192240867_

“Competing in Healthcare Analytics” is an easy but important read on an intense subject – healthcare and population health. For all the intensity and complexities around healthcare, Bennett is able to condense it down into a novel that describes foundational strategies for healthcare organizations to be successful as the healthcare market continues to change. With visual graphics and a consistent flow, this book effectively highlights why the subject of population health will continue to grow in importance, and how organizations need to change from being data-driven, to data-enabled.

I would highly recommend this book for any professionals involved with/in healthcare hoping to gain a perspective on a potential strategic roadmap for population health initiatives and the projects around them.

Great, quick read., May 11, 2016
By Chris G.  stars-5-0._CB192240867_

Professor Bennett provides a very succinct in articulating the benefits and hurdles of implementing effective analytics in the health care industry. This book is a great reference for anyone working in health care administration of students looking to expand their statistical and analytical knowledge base.

solid, simple and clear, May 19, 2016
By Hydraulicus Maximusstars-5-0._CB192240867_

a solidly functional primer especially for those in the planning or early implementation stages of a developing analytics program, but could be easily incorporated as a guide for discrete projects and those individuals tasked with figuring stuff out without the benefits of an analytics department.

Buy the book now either securely from the HCOE or from Amazon!