Research and Training on Healthcare Analytics & Leadership
Complete the following assessment to determine the differences between your current leadership program and the Professional Leadership Training™ Program.
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All questions are required.
Is your leadership training process-based versus skills-based, i.e., developing leadership ‘skills’?
Is your leadership training implemented as part of a 12-month or longer leadership improvement journey?
Is the initial outcome of the leadership training a personalized leadership plan for each individual in the program?
Is regular self-reflection and journaling an integral part of the leadership program?
Can leadership improvement be objectively measured and are participants reassessed at regular intervals throughout the program?
Is leadership considered a lifelong journey where participants are provided and encouraged to study new leadership materials beyond the initial classwork?
Is a feedback loop which includes regular coaching and mentoring an integral part of the leadership program?
Does the ongoing coaching evaluate areas of individual shortcomings with a plan to achieve improvement?
Is the coaching and mentoring performed by external parties?
Are the participants encouraged to engage in a long-term personal coaching and mentoring relationship outside of the organization’s leadership program?
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